DSH: German Language Examination for University Entrance
DSH stands for "Deutsche Sprachprufung fur den Hochschulzugang auslandischer Studienbewerber" (German language university entrance examination for foreign students). The DSH is a language examination, which tests whether you have the potential of taking on studies in a University in Germany. The DSH takes place in two forms: written as well as oral.
DSH Written examination consists of the following parts:
- Listening comprehension and use of the language from a listening text
- Reading comprehension and use of the language from a reading text
- Comprehension and application of language in academic language
DSH Oral examination measures following skills:
- Does the language you use correspond adequately to the question/assignment?
- Are you able to express yourself independently with a differentiated viewpoint?
- Is the language you use correct?
- Is your pronunciation and intonation comprehensible?
The DSH is for all the foreign students who want to study in Higher Education Institution in Germany.
Dates and Deadlines
DSH is developed and maintained by individual universities and is conducted several times in a year.
Examination Fees
The DSH examination fee varies from University to University. Participation in the DSH is possible only after proven payment of the examination fee. It amounts to 40-170 euro approximately. In addition, a registration fee is too charged at some Universities. The deposit receipt must be presented upon entrance into the examination room.
Registration for DSH is done at the respective Universities only-either online or in person. Enter all your details and submit. Pay the fees as per the University norm. Consequently, you’ll receive a confirmation email. The deposit receipt must be presented upon entrance into the examination room.
For more details about DSH see official website https://www.dsh-germany.com/